O2Micro cardreader on Dell, Acer

Submitted by DenRaf on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 15:14

How do you get it working with kernel 2.6.22 ? The module compiles. I then create the device by hand using the major number given in /proc/devices but when lauching pcscd, I've got this:

pcscdaemon.c:294:main() pcscd set to foreground with debug send to stderr
debuglog.c:213:DebugLogSetLevel() debug level=debug
readerfactory.c:1113:RFInitializeReader() Attempting startup of O2Micro SmartCardBus Reader 00 00 using /usr/local/o2micro/lib_OZSCR.so
readerfactory.c:946:RFBindFunctions() Loading IFD Handler 2.0
ifdhandler.c:121:IFDHCreateChannel Lun 0, Channel F10000

ctapi.c:106:CT_init CT_init enter
ctapi.c:119:CT_init Try to open channel dev/ozscrlx
ctapi.c:136:CT_init CT_init exit (-11)
readerfactory.c:1152:RFInitializeReader() Open Port F10000 Failed (/dev/ozscrlx)
readerfactory.c:1025:RFUnloadReader() Unloading reader driver.
readerfactory.c:252:RFAddReader() O2Micro SmartCardBus Reader init failed.
pcscdaemon.c:507:main() pcsc-lite 1.4.3 daemon ready.

This is how you can get the O2Micro smart card reader that is used on Dell D820 and my Old Acer Travelmate 6003. This reader is for sure used at allot of other machines, but those are listed here I've tested myself.

You can get the tar package here. This one was originally only for kernel 2.6.16 but some of the source is replaced by new files found here. For this tar package you don't have to do anything. I use it since kernel 2.6.19 and I now use it on kernel

This package has one dependencie: pcsclite-1.2.9 or higher

All you have to is download and untar the package.
- run configure-release or configure-debug
- modprobe ozsrclx

There is a new package on this site, but was not able to get it working yet.